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Cider Spice Mojito

One of our favorites, our Cider Spice Mojito is fresh and balanced with a seasonal spice twist. Enjoy!

First, make sure you've got the right tools for the job:

Next, let's make something delicious!

Inside the Porthole:
  • 1/2 red apple, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 green apple, thinly sliced
  • 1 lime, fan-sliced
  • 1 mint sprig
  • 6 cinnamon sticks
  • 6 whole star anise
Liquid to be Added:
  • 5oz (150g) calvados
  • 3.75oz (110g) rum
  • 1.5oz (45g) apple cider (non-alcoholic, freshly pressed
    apple juice)
  • 1.5oz (45g) brown sugar
To Assemble and Serve:

Combine all cocktail base ingredients in a small bowl, stirring to ensure the brown sugar dissolves completely. Set aside.

Arrange the dry ingredients inside the Porthole.

Assemble the Porthole, checking the seal for good contact on both sides.

Pour cocktail base through the spout.

Allow to infuse for a minimum of 30 minutes and up to 6 hours.


The cocktail can be served all at once, but we like sipping small portions from our 2 oz Nip Tumblers periodically to enjoy how the flavors change over time.